The current economic situation demands a lot from companies. Nevertheless, there are clear winners - companies that rely on modern IT solutions and, above all, see them not as a cost factor but as a competitive advantage can cope better with rapidly changing requirements. Only with the appropriate technical equipment are short-term requirements such as the rapid changeover to home officeThe company has also mastered the challenge of reducing the number of employees at sites or production facilities.
rethink needed
In order to achieve this state, a change in thinking is required within the company: Although today almost no business can do without digital services, be it a central ERP system, warehouse management or accounting programs or modern communication solutions, this view is often not shared by the management. It takes an external "nudge" to implement long overdue projects, but then please do it immediately and as smoothly as possible, of course. In order to successfully overcome these challenges in case (or corona), companies need to plan and invest proactively, because responding to an incident is usually only the second or third best solution to a problem.
Of course, you can't be prepared for everything, but Corona impressively shows how changes in external conditions can accelerate long-delayed projects and act as a necessary trigger for often overdue innovations. Especially in areas such as security, business continuity or the performance of core systems, a project that has been put off for a long time and then has to be implemented abruptly can lead to more problems than successes. Here, continuity in planning, renewal cycles and persistence pay off twice.
What was that about Cloud again?
The development of the last few years has shown a rather clear path: In addition to the often overused buzz-word "Cloud" Above all, systems that can be centrally administered show their strengths when the need arises: central, comprehensive and location-independent administration can significantly facilitate the successful implementation of projects. In this way, these modern systems ensure that employees can go about their daily work without any restrictions and that Company processes migrated smoothlyThe system can be changed over to new systems or expanded. Applications migrate flexibly into private or public clouds and home offices can be implemented quickly without noticeably reducing employee productivity.
Administration from a distance
There is a lot to be said for the use of centrally managed systems and remote services: On the one hand, remote maintenance saves costs because the administrator can access the system from any location. On the other hand, the expertise of the remote service administrators is available to the customer within a very short time, which saves not only costs but also time, since no on-site expertise is required. Since it can be assumed that many of the conversions of the last few months will remain even after the return to a pre-Corona state (can anyone still remember that?), these conversions of the structures in corporate IT should also be seen as long-term decisions. We described how much easier it is to make such a permanent change from a temporary arrangement in our article on the need for thoughtful planning of an IT infrastructure.
Read more about Modern Infrastructure in the ABAX Blog
The stumbling blocks on the way to the cloud
About surprises on the way to the cloud, how to deal with them and how to avoid them with a competent partner. In the current issue of Cio Magazine and online on DigBiz
Fit for the future in a modern working world
In order to implement a competitive advantage of a modern IT solution promising success, it is important to respond to the specific needs of the customers. This requires intelligent and modern IT know-how in order to react to individual business models and organizational goals and thus to design the appropriate digital foundation. It is especially true for IT infrastructure that it is used successfully when users do not perceive it. Users judge the quality of an IT network mainly by the performance of the applications they work with. You can compare it to the stable foundation in a band - the listener only notices the bass and drums when there are faults. When they groove properly, the concert-goer hears mainly singers and solo instruments.
IT as the key to a company's success
Companies have to face these mentioned and also unmentioned new requirements. In order to not only secure the continued existence of a company in the short term here, but to operate successfully in the long term, they must rely on modern network solutions. Only with these can modern tools such as native cloud solutions or video conferencing and the associated data volumes and bandwidths be used sensibly and accepted by the user. It has never happened before that technological developments that were demanded and accepted by people were discontinued again - with this we can state: the (working) world has changed permanently. Employees increasingly work decentrally and/or from home, use video conferencing and collaboration tools, production companies rely on centrally managed and secured systems in combination with artificial intelligence.
Therefore, the dependence on current data as a basis for decision-making is increasing. There is no way around these developments. Companies can only become and remain successful if the possibilities of modern IT are used and applied profitably. IT has thus finally taken the step from being a cost factor to a competitive advantage.
ABAX can look back on many years of expertise in IT infrastructure and Support and can support your company with a suitable integration. According to the approach "From planning to implementation to ongoing optimization". we are gladly at your disposal for your concerns regarding modern IT systems.
The ABAX IT experts pay attention to problem-free processes in order to support your company as quickly, efficiently and transparently as possible and to ensure smooth processes. We look forward to a collaboration with you!