KNIME and ABAX - Virtual Data Science Learnathon


Get to know the KNIME Analytics Platform through play

What is a Learnathon? A Learnathon is a mixture of a Hackathon and a Workshop.

It's like a Workshopbecause we learn more about the Data Science cycle - data access, data merging, data preparation, model training, optimization, testing and deployment. It is like a Hackathonbecause we work in groups to hack a workflow-based solution for guided exercises.

This free online learningathon in German was developed by KNIME and ABAX, the first KNIME partner in Austria, on October 21, 2020 jointly organized.

The workshop material is available here

Virtual Learnathon on Data Science

Experience the entire introduction to Data Science with KNME & ABAX again? Watch all sessions on our You Tube channel.

The procedure

We start with an introduction to the KNIME Analytics platform, followed by a short presentation about the Data Science cycle. Then we solve three sets of exercises, each set focusing on one of three aspects of the data science cycle:

  • Set 1: Working on the raw data. Data access and data preparation.
  • Set 2Machine Learning. Which model should I use? Which parameters?
  • Set 3: I have a great model. Now what? The model deployment phase.

The tool of choice is the open source KNIME Analytics platform with GUI. Since KNIME is an open platform, it offers excellent integration into an IDE environment for R, Python. SQL and Spark.

KNIME®with headquarters in Zurich and offices in Constance, Berlin and Austin, offers a fast, simple and intuitive entry into the field of data science with its data analysis, reporting and integration platform. The KNIME Platform integrates a wide range of data types, statistical functions and advanced prediction and machine learning algorithms. For over a decade, a thriving community of data scientists in over 60 countries has been working with the KNIME Platform.

Supported for 25 years ABAX Information Technology GmbH its customers in all IT-related topics. With our portfolio area Business Intelligence we focus on AI/KI based systems and combine them with leading analysis and data integration tools to comprehensive BI solutions. We are looking forward to your project!

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