By the decision of the Council of Ministers of 20.01.2020, the deadline for setting the "first measures" - orders, deliveries and advance payments - by three months, i.e. until the end of May.
You will find the deatils here.
Up to 14% investment premium for companies
In order to strengthen Austria as a business location, the federal government has decided on an investment premium for companies.
The federal government thus promotes new investments by companies at locations in Austria and provides for a basic premium of 7%, and a premium of 14% for investments in ecology, digitisation, health and life science.
"According to information from the Federal Ministry of Digitization and Business Location, the funds of 1 billion euros for the investment premium will be increased by a change in the law if necessary. Applications that are submitted in the period under consideration between September 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021, are to be served as a general measure in any case due to the state aid law construction".
aws Austrian Wirtschaftsservice
The most important details
All sectors and companies that have a registered office and/or a permanent establishment in Austria, without any restriction in terms of company size.
This is a tax-free, non-repayable grant.
Tangible and intangible new investments in depreciable fixed assets subject to mandatory capitalisation, which are applied for from aws between 1 September 2020 and 28 February 2021 and are implemented by 28 February 2022 at the latest.
UPDATE: this deadline has been extended to 31.05.2021.
7% of the eligible investments and 14% for investments in greening, digitisation and health. The lower limit is EUR 5,000 (smaller investments can be added together), the upper limit is EUR 50 million, net in each case.
Source: aws
Further Information
ABAX is available to answer any questions you may have about your digitisation projects and the "COVID-19 investment premium for companies" funding guidelines. would be very happy to help you.