Structured cabling as the basis for digitization

Digital companies need well planned network cabling

Network Power
Structured cabling as the basis of digitization: why companies need well-planned networks (Image: Adobe Stock)

In the modern business world, the topic of digitalization plays an increasingly important role. Hardly any company can do without network technology. The processing and handling of data is an important part of many working days. Often, however, the network structure, especially in small and medium-sized companies, is rather purpose-built instead of being the result of detailed planning of the topology. If the company grows, the network cabling must grow with it. Often it is only expanded selectively, usually under time pressure, which quickly results in a chaotic network infrastructure. This creates numerous problems, for example in managing the network's capacity reserves. Stability and usable bandwidth also depend crucially on the network structure. At the latest when new technologies are used, it is necessary to take a closer look at such a network system.

The basis for digitisation

A well-planned and structured network cabling, on the other hand, supports the daily work processes in every company. Modern, sensibly planned communication paths support a modern, economical and smooth way of working. The common basis for this is structured cabling.

The demands on the network infrastructure are changing rapidly. It is therefore all the more important to consider changing requirements in the coming years already when planning the company network and to keep the infrastructure always adaptable.

What role does the planning of the network structure play?

LAN and WLAN have many different areas of application. For example, wireless networks offer a high level of user comfort, but generally have a lower bandwidth and higher ping than physical Ethernet cables. Another problem with WLAN networks is that companies often have many users working in a small space. This quickly has a negative impact on the bandwidth and reliability of data exchange as the number of users increases. With Ethernet Connections, this problem can be solved without much effort by using switches. Cable networks are also preferable to a wireless connection for security reasons.


The goal of structured network cabling is not only the security aspect of the connections, but also the provision and management of capacities. Modern communication technologies are to be supported, and the simple installation and connection of additional nodes or network components is to be ensured as simply as possible. The future security of the cabling is an aspect that should not be underestimated. Changes in the company structure or the connection of buildings change the communication architecture just as much as new technologies or a company relocation.

Why is the network configuration so important?

As with all infrastructure projects, and especially with IT issues, careful planning by experts is crucial for the success of the project.

The basis for efficient network planning is usually a hierarchical structure, also called topology. Here, either a tree or star topology is used as the basis for the cabling. In principle, the structuring of the cabling can be divided into three levels: the site, the building and the floor cabling.

On the Terrain level individual buildings are wired together, while the Building level is responsible for connecting the individual floors. Due to the low number of nodes, fiber optic cables are mainly used here. At Building level copper cables are also used.

The Floor level is responsible for the connection between individual floor distributors and junction boxes in the rooms of a floor. Fiber optic cables or twisted pair cables based on copper are also used here. Additional WLAN access points are often connected to the floor distributors.

Performance and error sources

It should be noted here that the corporate network is only as fast as its slowest component. The configuration of the network infrastructure has a decisive influence on the performance and reliability of the connection. A carefully planned network also saves costs in the long run. Sources of error are reduced, and the expansion of the infrastructure is made easier with proper cabling. New standards can be adapted more easily, operational requirements can be implemented more cost effectively. Modern network planning supports modern working environments with flexible workstations. The integration of mobile devices such as notebooks, smartphones and tablets is also possible, taking into account all security-relevant aspects.


Plan your network thoroughly, regardless of whether it is to be wired or WLAN. Enlist the expertise of specialists who can translate your requirements into a future-proof concept and, ideally, implement it straight away. Topics such as performance and security must be taken into account, as well as customer-specific requirements, such as outdoor/indoor, extreme temperature ranges and the like.

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ABAX is of course at your disposal with our specialists and their many years of experience. would be very happy to help you.  Our team plans, installs and optimizes these projects as the basis for an optimal IT infrastructure.

Ask us, when it comes to structured cabling and network technologies as the backbone and basis of your digital fitness.

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