Our customers give hope

Mission Hope Christmas Donation

Hope for families of children with cancer

The association "Mission Hope - Childhood Cancer Social Aid" supports families who need special help due to their child's cancer. 

The coronavirus pandemic is already putting us to an enormous test. In addition, around 300 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year. As an uninvolved party, it is difficult to imagine how challenging caring for a seriously ill child must be for the whole family. 

Especially at Christmas - the time when our loved ones and shining children's eyes take centre stage - it is important to think of all those who are not doing so well. We would like to make a contribution and are therefore making a donation in the name of our customers to "Mission Hoffnung". 

If you would like to donate yourself:

IBAN AT04 1400 0012 1084 1489

Support in difficult times

A cancer diagnosis jeopardises the future of the family. Within seconds, normal family life ends and a battle with an uncertain outcome begins.
Parents spend many hours with their sick child in clinics and outpatient centres. One parent often has to give up their job in order to be there for their sick child. The financial losses are considerable and can become a further threat.

"... there is only one way: the way forward! You have to learn to live from day to day. You are happy about every little step forward, every bit of support. Every ray of hope is a step towards healing!"

Where help is needed

Those affected receive financial support where it is most urgently needed, subject to proven need: 

  • Regular visits to the hospital
  • Necessary conversions in the flat
  • Increased costs for food and clothing due to special hygiene regulations
  • Heartfelt wishes of the sick child
  • Childcare costs for siblings
  • Psychological support
  • Loans taken out before the illness that need to be serviced
  • The list is almost endless...

There are no major discoveries or advances,
as long as there is still an unhappy child on earth.

With this in mind, the organisation's mission is to make the world a better place for children and to consciously take on social responsibility. 

You can find more information at: www.missionhoffnung.org

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