OT Security

With ABAX the security of your Operational Technology

Security risks along the value chain


Design, IDE & Tools
Project Management Tools
Supply Chain

Engineering prototyping

3D printer
CAD/CAM tools
Fit, form, function tests

Production lines,
 Industrial processing

Smart Sensor
Assembly systems
Quality control
Safety systems
SCADA systems
Supply Chain

Storage/ distribution

ERP systems
Operating systems

Sale of

Order & warehouse
Customer databases
Sales databases

Company systems

Field service
Recall action
Order service

Your Operational Technology (OT) software is becoming an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals. Unlike information technology (IT) systems, which are constantly updated and secured, OT systems are often ignored. For example, more and more production facilities are being affected by hackers utilising the software of warehouse systems or machines. There are some key differences between your IT and OT that make the security of both systems so unique and important.

While your IT systems typically focus on data processing and management, it is OT systems that focus on the physical processes that make up the core business of your organisation. The big risk is that OT systems are often older, built for many years and therefore your software has rarely been designed with modern security vulnerabilities in mind. This often makes it more difficult to update or protect them, which is also the reason why they are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks

The risks before your eyes

The consequences of a breach of one of your OT systems can be severe, ranging from physical damage and business interruption to potential harm to people. In addition, a successful OT attack can also lead to the theft of sensitive data or intellectual property. In many cases, the stolen data is then used by hackers to blackmail the company. To mitigate such risks, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to OT security.

The The highest priority is always ongoing production

It is not only hacker attacks that have such serious consequences. Due to the ever-increasing networking of your IT and OT, your system can also come to a standstill without external interference. The advantage for you is that both risks can be reduced with the same approach.

Product advantages

Protect your systems against attacks

In order to create hurdles that are as insurmountable as possible for hackers, we create a practical security concept for you that takes your entire value chain into account. From your OT software to your employees and production facilities, we know where the greatest security risks occur and can protect them against cyber attacks from outside and inside.

Each attack prevented in this way usually saves you 4 weeks of production downtime and more.

Anticipate the failure:

If, for example, our experts notice an unsecured interface between two pieces of software during the initial monitoring of your production systems, the security programming can take place in parallel and be tested preventively. For the implementation, it is now possible to exchange the code in a targeted manner without stopping production in the long term.

In such a case, your downtime can be reduced in advance from several possible hours to days to one or two hours. In addition, your security gap is closed.

Thanks to our experience, we know the requirements in practice.

Through our Years of experience in the support of production companies, we know the Requirements in practice and you benefit from our experience. By these steps By taking measures to protect your OT systems, you can minimise the risk of cyberattacks and outages, which can have serious consequences for your company. 

Our team of experts will work closely with you to create a practical security concept for your company. It is important to take a comprehensive approach that considers the potential risks and vulnerabilities of your systems:



OT Security Assessment

  • Check for possible security gaps
  • Documentation of existing measures, connections, technical requirements and security-relevant weak points


  • Collecting all necessary information from employee and supplier systems

Definition of the OT Security company standard

  • Definition of all specifications based on applicable standards (NISG, NISV, IEC 624439
  • Specification of maintenance access and network segmentation'
  • Creation of "blueprints" to illustrate common scenarios as examples

Target architecture based on global guidelines

  • Creation of "global guidelines" based on applicable standards and laws
  • Derivation of a segmentation concept for individual system parts

OT security concept and segmentation

  • Design of the network architecture including segmentation according to the technical requirements of the underlying standards (manufacturer-independent!)

Implementation of the DMZ

  • Formation of an OT-DMZ ("Demilitarised Zone")
  • Transfer of existing data connections to the OT-DMZ services
  • Definition and documentation of services and interfaces

Implementation of segmentation

  • Implementation of segmentation concept
  • Moving system components into the predefined zones
  • Configuration of communication channels
  • Documentation of the new structure and customised processes

Implementation of remote access

  • Setting up remote access for operation and maintenance work on process systems

Regular operation

  • Three-month support after completion of the project by ABAX'
  • Transfer to regular operation
    Support with the implementation of processes and documentation
  • Use of a ticket system for the correct implementation of the work

Implementation OT Governance

Don't wait until it's too late.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you protect your critical infrastructure and operations.