OnDemand Webinar: Essential services and how to protect them effectively

Critical infrastructure


Operators of essential services are defined by the NIS Act and the Austrian Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (APCIP) is obliged to take security precautions against cyber attacks and to establish a comprehensive operational security architecture.

Our experts will show you in our online event on 17.09. from 14:00how to secure critical infrastructures, comply with regulations and act sustainably.

We do not want to hold a lecture battle on this very important topic, but rather enter into a direct exchange with you. Therefore our event is designed as an interactive event: We answer your questions, address your situation, and look forward to exchanging views on your experiences and challenges in combination with our project experiences.

Essential services and how to protect them sustainably

Our experts will show you on 17.09 from 14:00 how to secure critical infrastructures, comply with regulations and still be sustainable, combined with the latest findings on NIS and APCIP.


Frank Stummer

Frank Stummer

Business Development @ Rhebo

Andreas Niederbacher

Andreas Niederbacher

Senior Manager @ Deloitte Risk Advisory

Marcus Amon

Marcus Amon

Consultant @ Deloitte Risk Advisory

Our Agenda is kept slim and interactive.

  • Deloitte Risk Advisory - The current situation in Austria
  • Rhebo - Solutions & projects of networked industrial plants
  • ABAX - Experiences from project energy sector

Rhebo is the leading European provider of solutions for industrial security and continuity. We protect networked production plants and critical infrastructures against cyber attacks, manipulation and technical faults.

Deloitte Risk Advisory advises companies on how to gain a new perspective on their risks and support them in strategic, operational and regulatory issues as well as in the areas of IT, OT, cyber and data protection. Our risk-centered consulting approach helps to improve performance and leads to identifying and seizing new opportunities. - True to the motto: "Risk powers performance".

Supported for 25 years ABAX Information Technology GmbH its customers in all topics around network and security. The topics IoT Security and the Critical infrastructure protection an important part of our portfolio.

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