Business Breakfast - ABAX and HUAWEI - 25hours Hotel Vienna

The digital world as new living space

Trendsetting technologies from HUAWEI for your company

Breakfast and work - a contradiction? We see it differently: On May 16, 2018, ABAX hosted HUAWEY a future-oriented Business Breakfast in the exclusive atmosphere of the 25hours Hotel in Vienna. At this interesting breakfast HUAWEI gave us an insight into the latest technologies and their possibilities.

HUAWEY is one of the market-leading telecommunications equipment suppliers. Its portfolio includes products and services for network infrastructures and cloud computing solutions: Consumer, Carrier Network and Enterprise. Within 30 years HUAWEY a leading global manufacturer of ICT (information and communication technologies) solutions. With a comprehensive portfolio HUAWEY meets the requirements of a wide range of industries and stands for innovative and intelligent solutions.

At this unique event the participants had the unique opportunity to inform themselves about THE alternative to existing network providers.

The diversified Agenda contained the following exciting programme items:

> 08:30 - 09:00 Registration and reception (incl. breakfast buffet)
> 09:00 - 09:15 Opening
> 09:15 - 10:15 HUAWEI - Agile Campus for SME companies
> 10:15 - 10:30 Discussion and networking
> ca 10:30 End of the event

Afterwards, the speaker and our specialists were available to the participants for personal questions.

This event was a complete success! We are looking forward to welcoming you soon at our next event.

Your ABAX Sales Team

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Fit for the DSGVO 2018

All participants in our business breakfasts with Sophos on 15.11.2017 are fit for the basic data protection regulation 2018 (DSGVO 2018). In compact form and in an attractive environment

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